ANNEE 2006

Publié le 25/02/2008 à 15h31 (mis à jour le 26/08/2015 à 11h41)


M LAMANT, F SMIH, R HARMANCEY, A PATHAK, J RONCALLI, M GALINIER, X COLLET, P MASSABUAU, JM SENARD, P ROUET - Apo O, a novel apolipoprotein is an original glycoprotein upregulated by diabetes in human heart. J. Biol. Chem. 2006 Nov 24 ; 281(47) : 36289-302.

C MORO, M BERLAN – Cardiovascular and metabolic effects of natriuretic peptides. Fun. Clin. Pharmacol 2006 ; 20,41-49.

M LAFONTAN, M BERLAN, C SENGENES, C MORO, F CRAMPES, J GALITZKY – cAMP- and cGMP-dependent control of lipolysis and lipid mobilization in humans : putative targets for celle management. M Conn M, C Kordon, Y Christen. Insights into receptor function and new drug development targets. Ed Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006, 53-77.

C MORO, M BERLAN, M LAFONTAN - Physiological and pathophysiological features of the control of lipolysis and lipid mobilization by natriuretic peptides. J Soc Biol 2006, 200:67-76.

C MORO, E LOLMEDE, M BERLAN, M LAFONTAN, V STICH, A BOULOUMIE, J GALITZKIi, P ARNER, D LAGIN - Inhibition par l’ANP dans le tissu adipeux humain des cytokines et des adipokines liées à l’inflamation et à l’insulo-résistance. Springer, Décembre 2006,vol 1,n°24.


MORO, J POLAK, J HEJNOVA, E KLIMCAKOVA, C CRAMPES, V STICH, M LAFONTAN, M BERLAN – Atrial natriuretic peptide stimulates lipid mobilization during repeated bouts of endurance exercise. Am. J. Physiol. 2006, 290:E864-E869.

E KLIMCAKOVA, J POLAK, C MORO, J HEJNOVA, M.M MAJERCIK, N VIGUERIE, M BERLAN, D LANGIN, V STICH - Dynamic strength training improves insulin sensitivity without altering plasma levels and gene expression of adipokines in subcutaneous adipose tissue in obese men. J. Clin. Endoc. Metab. 2006, 91 : 5107-5112.

J POLAK, E KLIMCAKOVA, C MORO, N VIGUERIE, M BERLAN, J HEJNOVA, B RICHTEROVA, I KRAUS, D LANGIN, V STICH - Effect of aerobic training on plasma levels and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue gene expression of adiponectine, leptin, interleukine-6 and tumor necrosis alpha in obese women. Metabolism 2006 ; 55:1375-1381.

AL BIRKENFEL, M BOSCHMANN, C MORO, F ADAMS, K HEUSSER, J TANK, A DIEDRICH, C SCHROEDER, G FRANKE, M BERLAN, FC LUFT, M LAFONTAN, J JORDAN - Propranolol blocks atrial natriuretic peptide-induced lipid oxidation, but not mobilization. J Clin Endoc Metab 2006, 91:5069-5075.

PATHAK A, SENARD JM - Blood pressure disorders during Parkinson’s disease : epidemiology, pathophysiology and management. Expert Rev Neurother 2006 ; 6(8) : 1173-1180.

F DESPAS, O XHAËT, JM SENARD, P VERWAERDE, G JOURDAN, D CURNIER, M GALINIER, A PATHAK - Chémoréflexes : de la physiologie à leur application clinique. Mt Cardio 2006 ; 2(3) : 321-327.

H REICHMANN, A BILSING, R EHRET, W GREULICH, JB SCHULZ, A SCHWARTZ, O RASCOL – Ergoline and non-ergoline derivatives in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol 2006, suppl. 4, 36-38

M HORSTINK, E TOLOSA, U BONUCCELLI, G DEUSCHL, A FRIEDMAN, P KANOVSKY, JP LARSEN, A lALLEES, W OERTEL, W POEWE, O RASCOL, C SAMPAIO – Review of the therapeutic management of Parkinson’s disease. Report of a joint task force of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) and the Movement Disorder Society-European Section (MDS-ES). Part I : early (uncomplicated) Parkinson’s disease. European Journal of Neurology 2006, 13 : 1170-1185

O RASCOL - Defining a minimal clinically relevant difference for the Unified Parkinson’s Rating Scale : an important but still unmet need. Mov Disord 2006 ; 21 : 1059-1061.

S ANDRIEU, O RASCOL, T LANG, H GRANDJEAN, B VELLAS - Disease modifying trials in Alzheimer disease : methodological and statistical issues. J Nutr Health Aging 2006 ; 10 : 116-117.

WH JOST, D ANGERSBACH, O RASCOL - Clinical studies with ropinirole in Parkinson’s disease and RLS. J Neurol 2006, 253 (suppl.4) : 16-21.

O RASCOL, DJ BROOKS ; AD KORCZYN, PP DEDEYN, CE CLARKE, AE LANG, M ABDALLA for the 056 Study Group - Development of dyskinesias in a 5-year trial of ropinirole and l-dopa. Mov Disord 2006 ; 21 : 1844-1850.

O. RASCOL, C. SAMPAIO - Experimental therapeutics of Parkinson’s disease and the development of new symptomatic medicines for Parkinson’s disease. In : “Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders, Fifth Edition, edited by Joseph Jankovic and Eduardo Tolosa. Chapter 11. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a division of Wolters Kluvers Health, Inc., Philadelphia, 2006.

C. SAMPAIO, O. RASCOL - Disease-modifying strategies In Parkinson’s disease. In : “Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders, Fifth Edition, edited by Joseph Jankovic and Eduardo Tolosa. Chapter 9. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a division of Wolters Kluvers Health, Inc., Philadelphia, 2006.

O RASCOL, C BREFEL-COURBON, L NEGRE-PAGES, W REGRAGUI, A GERDELAT-MAS, T SLAOUI - Douleur chronique et maladie de Parkinson : un symptôme trop souvent méconnu. La Lettre du Neurologue 2006 ; 4 (suppl) : 36-40 .
O RASCOL, B DUBOIS, A CASTRO CALDAS, S SENN, S DEL SIGNORE, A LEES, on behalf of the Parkinson REGAIN Study Group - Early piribedil monotherapy of Parkinson’s disease. A planned 7-month report of the REGAIN Study. Mov Disord 2006, 21, 2110-2115.

A PATHAK - Prévention pharmacologique de la mort subite : que nous ont appris les essays clinique ?- A.I.M.2006-n°118.

A PATHAK, S VELEZ-ROA, O XHAET, B NAJEM, P VAN DE BORNE - Dose-dépendent effect of dobutamine on chemoreflex activity in healthy volunteers. Brit J Clin Pharmacol- 2006, sept, 62 (3), pp 272-279.

O XHAET, P VAN DE BORNE, A PATHAK – Dynamic ventriculare repolarisation : Froom physiology to prognosis. Current Cardiology Reviews, 2006, 2, 000-000.

A HOUSSIERE, B NAJEM, A PATHAK, O XHAET, R NAEIJE, P VAN DE BORNE - Chemoreflex and metaboreflex reponses to static hypoxic exercice in aging humans. American College of Sports Medecine, 2006.

B NAJEM, P UNGER, N PREUMONT, JL JANSENS, A HOUSSIERE, A PATHAK, O XHAET, L GABRIEL, A FRIART, L DE ROY, JL VANDENBOSSCHE, P VAN DE BORNE - Sympathetic control after cardiac resynchronization therapy : responders versus nonresponders. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 291 : H2647-H2652, 2006

B NAJEM, A HOUSSIERE, A PATHAK, C JANSSEN, D LEMOGOUM, O XHAET, N CUYLITS, P VAN DE BORNE - Acute cardiovascular and sympathetic effect of nicotine replacement therapy. Hypertension. 2006 ;47 : 1162-1167.

A PAVY-LE TRAON, R L HUGHSON, C THALAMAS, M GALITSKY, N FABRE , O RASCOL, JM SENARD – Cerebral autoregulation is preserved in multiple system atrophy : a transcranial doppler study. Movement Disorders, vol. 21, n°12, 2006, pp 2122


S LUGARDON, H ROUSSEL, R BOURREL, V SCIORTINO, JL MONTASTRUC, M LAPEYRE MESTRE – Profil des utilisateurs d’anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens. Thérapie 2006 ; 61:109-114.

K DESBOEUF, M GRAU, F RICHE, M FRADIN, J BEZ, JL MONTASTRUC, JM SENARD – Prevalence and costs of parkinsonian syndromes associated with orthostatic hypotension. Thérapie 2006, 61, 93-99.

JL MONTASTRUC – Les cinq "trop" des essais cliniques : plaidoyer pour une pharmacoépidémiologie pour tous. La Revue Prescrire, Juin 2006, tome 26, n°273, 471.

JL MONTASTRUC, A SOMMET, I LACROIX, P OLIVIER, G DURRIEU, C DAMASE-MICHEL, M LAPEYRE-MESTRE, H BAGHERI – Pharmacovigilance for evaluating adverse drug reactions : value, organization, and methods. Joint Bone Spine 73, 2006, 629-632.

JL MONTASTRUC, A SOMMET, I LACROIX, P OLIVIER, G DURRIEU, C DAMASE MICHEL, M LAPEYRE MESTRE, H BAGHERI – La Pharmacovigilance et l’évaluation du risque médicamenteux : intérêt, fonctionnement et méthodes. La Revue du Rhumastisme 2006 ; 73 : 1021-1024.

A ROUSSIN, M MIREPOIX, G LASSABE, V DUMESTRE TOULET, V GARDETTE, JL MONTASTRUC, M LAPEYRE MESTRE – Death related to a recreational abuse of propofol at therapeutic dose range. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2006, 97(2):268.

JL MONTASTRUC, A SOMMET, P OLIVIER, H BAGHERI, M GONY, M LAPEYRE MESTRE, C BREFEL COURBON, J FERREIRA, L SCHMITT, JM SENARD, O RASCOL – Médicaments, maladie de Parkinson et syndromes parkinsoniens : actualités de pharmacovigilance. Thérapie 2006 ;61:29-38.

M BAUDRANT, H BAGHERI, L CUZIN, A SOMMET, V BASSOUA, E GUITTON, E BONNET, D GARIPUY, F LUCAS, C AQUILINA, JL MONTASTRUC, P MASSIP – Analyse des effets indésirables des médicaments du VIH. Thérapie 2006, 61(2):171-176.

P NOIZE, M SAUER, P BRUNEVAL, M MOREAU, A PATHAK, H BAGHERI, JL MONTASTRUC – Valvular heart disease in a patient taking benfluorex. Fundamental Clin & Clinical Pharmacology 2006 ; 20 : 577-578.

JJ FERREIRA, K DESBOEUF, M GALITZKY, C THALAMAS, C BREFEL-COURBON, N FABRE, JM SENARD, JL MONTASTRUC, C SAMPAIO, O RASCOL - Sleep disruption, daytime somnolence and “sleep attacks” in Parkinson’s disease : a clinical survey in Parkinson’s disease patients and age-matched healthy volunteers. Eur J Neurology 2006,13:209-214.

P OLIVIER, JL MONTASTRUC – The nature of the scientific evidence leading to drug withdrawals for pharmacovigilance reasons in France. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2006 ; 15 : 808-812.

A CARVAJAL, D MACIAS, M SAINZ, S ORTEGA, LH MARTIN ARIAS, A VELASCO, H BAGHERI, M LAPEYRE MESTRE, JL MONTASTRUC – HMG CoA reductase inhibitors and impotence : two cases series from the Spanish and French drug monitoring systems. Drug Safety 2006 ; 29:143-149.

C CABOU, I LACROIX, J RONCALLI, M ELBAZ, D CAILLAUX, C DAMASE MICHEL, JM FAUVEL, JL MONTASTRUC – Infarctus du myocarde chez une jeune femme fumeuse sous contraception orale. Arch. Mal. cœur et vaisseaux, 99 ; 80-85.

N TAVASSOLI, H BAGHERI, A SOMMET, C DELPIERRE, F MARION LATARD, P MASSIP, C AQUILINA, E BONNET, M OBADIA, E LABAU, JL MONTASTRUC, J BERNARD – Effects of discontinuing stavudine or protease inhibitor therapy on human immunodeficiency virus-related fat redistribution evaluated by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Pharmacotherapy 2006 ; 26:154-161

M LAPEYRE MESTRE, AM DE CASTRO, MP BAREILLE, JG DEL POZO, AA REQUEJO, LM ARIAS, JL MONTASTRUC, A CARVAJAL – Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-related hepatic damage in France and Spain : analysis from national spontaneous reporting systems. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2006, 20:391-5.

S LUGARDON, K DESBOEUF, P FERNET, JL MONTASTRUC, M LAPEYRE MESTRE – Using a capture-recapture method to assess the frequency of adverse drug reactions in a French university hospital. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2006, 62:2, 225-231.

E GUITTON, K BARANGE, H BAGHERI, JL MONTASTRUC, JP VINEL, S CLAEYSSENS, E BONNET, P MASSIP – Blood transaminase elevation with pegylated interferon alfa 2b plus ribavirin in an HIV/HCV coinfected haemophilic patient. Infection 2006 ;34:183-185.

F MICHENOT, A SOMMET, H BAGHERI, M LAPEYRE-MESTRE, JL MONTASTRUC - and the French Network of PharmacoVigilance Centres - Adverse drug reactions during the heat wave occurred in France in summer 2003 : a study from the French PharmacoVigilance Database. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 2006 ;15:735-740.

jM SENARD – Le syndrome des jambes sans repos. La Revue Prescrire, Avril 2006, tome 26, n°271, 314.

JL MONTASTRUC – Fraude dans les essais cliniques. La Revue Prescrire, Novembre 2006, tome 26, n°277, 793

JL MONTASTRUC - Fallait-il accorder une AMM à une copie de buprénorphine ? Non. La Revue Prescrire décembre 2006, 26, 867-868.

M LAPEYRE-MESTRE - Fallait-il accorder une AMM à une copie de buprénorphine ? Oui. La Revue Prescrire décembre 2006, 26, 869.

JL MONTASTRUC, G DURRIEU, L NEGRE PAGES – Evaluation de l’effet d’une cure thermale dans l’otite séromuqueuse récidivante de l’enfant. La Presse Thermale et Climatique 2006 ; 143:7-123.

E GUITTON, JL MONTASTRUC, M LAPEYRE MESTRE and the French Network of PharmacovigilanceCentres – Influence of HCV or HBV coinfection on adverse drug reactions to antiretroviral drugs in HIV patients. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2006 ; 62/243-249.

A SOMMET, B JUILLARD-CONDAT, P CESTAS, M LAPEYRE-MESTRE, JL MONTASTRUC - Methodes de mesure de la consommation medicamenteuse : application aux antibiothiques.Therapie 2006, 60(6), 553-559.

M DAMAGNEZ, A MAGNOUAT, J NIEZBORALA, M LAROZE, JC GASTON, JL MONTASTRUC - Medicaments contre- indiques chez l’enfant : analyse des prescriptions en medecine de ville dans le departement de l’aude.Therapie 2006,60(5),507-513.

I ABBDUL KASSAB, N BOUCHI, H BAGHERI, A GEAHCHAN - Mise en place d’un systeme national de recueil des effets indesirables des medicaments au liban : resultats de la premiere annee d’activite. Therapie 2006,60 (6),583-587.

JL MONTASTRUC - Premiere session specifique sur les etudes d’utilisation de medicaments au 9e congres de la societe Française de Pharmacologie. La lettre du Pharmacologue- vol 20- n°1- Janvier-fevrier-mars 2006.