ANNEE 2023

Publié le 04/07/2024 à 10h34 (mis à jour le 08/07/2024 à 16h57)


Bagheri B, Yaribeygi H, Taherifard E, Talasaz AH, Bagheri H, Darban M, Tabrizi R, Najafi S, Khodadost M, Akbari M. Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors : A comprehensive review from cells to bedside. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2023 Jun ;37(3):481-492

Barioulet L, Sentis V, Rousseau V, Mrozek S, Méligne D, Fournié P, Sommet A, Soler V. [Validation of identification criteria for patients having surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment at Toulouse University Hospital]. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2023 May ;46(5):518-526.

Calvat P, Leung C, Bost C, Fortenfant F, Simonetta-Moreau M, Pariente J, Rafiq M, Brefel-Courbon C, Rascol O, Fabbri M, Ory-Magne F. Challenging diagnosis and treatment decision of a long-history autoantibody-negative autoimmune encephalitis.
Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2023 Feb ;107:105232.

Camgrand E, Christine BC, Harroch E, Chouquet C, Barthelemy C, Ory-Magne F, Leung C, Barbosa RP, Rascol O, Fabbri M.  Discontinuation rate and long-term adverse events path of apomorphine infusion in advanced Parkinson’s disease patients. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2023 Nov ;116:105859.

El Fassi N, Pavy le Traon A, Mouchon E, Rascol O, Meissner WG, Foubert-Saumier A, Gallois Y, Tessier S, Ory-Magne F, Woisard VA, Fabbri M. UMSARS Versus Laryngoscopy-Based Assessment of Dysphagia. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2023 Apr 12 ;10(6):974-979.

Eschlboeck S, Goebel G, Eckhardt C, Fanciulli A, Raccagni C, Boesch S, Djamshidian A, Heim B, Mahlknecht P, Mair K, Nachbauer W, Scherfler C, Stockner H, Poewe W, Seppi K, Kiechl S, Wenning G, Krismer F ; and the EMSA‐SG NHS Investigators ; Barone P, Pellecchia MT, Quinn NP, Fowler CJ, Schrag A, Giladi N, Gurevich T, Ostergaard K, Widner H, Oertel W, Albanese A, Tolosa E, Deuschl G, Klockgether T, Dodel R, Sampaio C, Melamed E, Gasser T, Colosimo C, Rascol O, Meissner W, Tison F, Geser F, Duerr S, Boesch S, Köllensperger M, Koukouni V, Mathias CJ, Dupont E, Nilsson CF, Eggert KM, Del Sorbo F, Cardozo A, Hellriegel H, Coelho M, Djaldetti R, Kamm C, Meco G. Development and Validation of a Prognostic Model to Predict Overall Survival in Multiple System Atrophy. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2023 Jul 17 ;10(9):1368-1376.

Fabbri M, Barbosa R, Rascol O. Correction to : Off-time Treatment Options for Parkinson’s Disease. Neurol Ther. 2023 Apr ;12(2):425.

Fanciulli A, Leys F, Krbot Skorić M, Carneiro DR, Calandra-Buonaura G, Camaradou J, Chiaro G, Cortelli P, Falup-Pecurariu C, Granata R, Guaraldi P, Helbok R, Hilz MJ, Iodice V, Jordan J, Kaal ECA, Kamondi A, Pavy Le Traon A, Rocha I, Sellner J, Senard JM, Terkelsen A, Wenning GK, Moro E, Berger T, Thijs RD, Struhal W, Habek M ; Collaborators of European Network of Neurological ANS laboratories. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical autonomic practice in Europe A survey of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and the European Federation of Autonomic Societies (EFAS). Eur J Neurol. 2023 Mar 15.

Fanciulli A, Skorić MK, Leys F, Carneiro DR, Campese N, Calandra-Buonaura G, Camaradou J, Chiaro G, Cortelli P, Falup-Pecurariu C, Granata R, Guaraldi P, Helbok R, Hilz MJ, Iodice V, Jordan J, Kaal ECA, Kamondi A, Le Traon AP, Rocha I, Sellner J, Senard JM, Terkelsen A, Wenning GK, Moro E, Berger T, Thijs RD, Struhal W, Habek M ; Collaborators of European Network of Neurological Autonomic Laboratories.
EFAS/EAN survey on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on European clinical autonomic education and research. Clin Auton Res. 2023 Dec ;33(6):777-790.

Faurie I, Harroch E, Scotto d’Apollonia C, Corte S, Arcari C, Mohara C, Barthelemy C, Fabre MH, Boussac M, Damase-Michel C, Almudever B, Croity-Belz S, Brefel-Courbon C. Impact of therapeutic education on the evolution of social representations of medication in patients with Parkinson’s disease : A quantitative and qualitative study (ETPARK REMED). Rev Neurol (Paris). 2023 Dec ;179(10):1086-1094.

Fukutomi H, Yamamoto T, Sibon I, Christensen S, Raposo N, Marnat G, Albucher JF, Olindo S, Calvière L, Sagnier S, Viguier A, Renou P, Guenego A, Poli M, Darcourt J, Debruxelles S, Drif A, Thalamas C, Sommet A, Rousseau V, Mazighi M, Bonneville F, Albers GW, Cognard C, Dousset V, Olivot JM, Tourdias T ; BBS and FRAME investigators. Location-weighted versus Volume-weighted Mismatch at MRI for Response to Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke. Radiology. 2023 Feb ;306(2):e220080.

Gallo S, Ory-Magne F, Le-Traon AP, Rascol O, Debs R, Leung C, Fabbri M. 
Clinical and imaging "red flags" for the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy lookalikes. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2023 Jul ;112:105372

Garnier A, Brochard K, Kwon T, Sellier-Leclerc AL, Lahoche A, Launay EA, Nobili F, Caillez M, Taque S, Harambat J, Michel-Bourdat G, Guigonis V, Fila M, Cloarec S, Djamal-Dine D, de Parscaux L, Allard L, Salomon R, Ulinski T, Frémeaux-Bacchi V, Morin C, Olivier-Abbal P, Colineaux H, Auriol F, Arnaud C, Kieffer I, Brusq C. Efficacy and Safety of Eculizumab in Pediatric Patients Affected by Shiga Toxin-Related Hemolytic and Uremic Syndrome : A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2023 Sep 1 ;34(9):1561-1573.

Gouilly D, Salabert AS, Bertrand E, Goubeaud M, Catala H, Germain J, Ainaoui N, Rafiq M, Benaiteau M, Carlier J, Nogueira L, Planton M, Hitzel A, Méligne D, Sarton B, Silva S, Lemesle B, Payoux P, Thalamas C, Péran P, Pariente J. Clinical heterogeneity of neuro-inflammatory PET profiles in early Alzheimer’s disease. Front Neurol. 2023 Jul 31 ;14:1189278.

Huissoud M, Boussac M, Joineau K, Harroch E, Brefel-Courbon C, Descamps E.
The effectiveness and safety of non-pharmacological intervention for pain management in Parkinson’s disease : A systematic review.
Rev Neurol (Paris). 2023 Oct 11:S0035-3787(23)01041-X.

Clément Karsenty, Celine Guilbeau- Frugier, Gaël Genet, Marie- Helene Seguelas, Philippe Alzieu, Olivier Cazorla, Alexandra Montagner, Yuna Blum, Caroline Dubroca, Julile Maupoint, Blandine Tramunt, Marie Cauquil, Thierry Sulpice, Sylvain Richard, Silvia Arcucci, Remy Flores- Flores, Nicolas Pataluch, Romain Montoriol, Pierre Sicard, Antoine Deney, Thierry Couffinhal, Jean- Michel Senard, Celine Galés. Ephrin-B1 regulates the adult diastolic function through a late postnatal maturation of cardiomyocyte surface crests. Karsenty et al. eLife 2023 ;12:e80904.

Lapeyre-Mestre M.  Women, medicine and pharmacology : Where do we are now ? Therapie. 2023.

Lees A, Tolosa E, Stocchi F, Ferreira JJ, Rascol O, Antonini A, Poewe W.
Optimizing levodopa therapy, when and how ? Perspectives on the importance of delivery and the potential for an early combination approach. Expert Rev Neurother. 2023 Jan ;23(1):15-24.

Madi K, Flumian C, Olivier P, Sommet A, Montastruc F. Quality of reporting of adverse events in clinical trials of covid-19 drugs : systematic review. BMJ Med. 2023 Sep 21 ;2(1):e000352.

Marques A, Pereira B, Simonetta-Moreau M, Castelnovo G, De Verdal M, Fluchère F, Laurencin C, Degos B, Tir M, Kreisler A, Blanchet-Fourcade G, Guehl D, Colin O, Poujois A, Sangla S, Tatu L, Derost P, Gayraud D, Tranchant C, Amarantini D, Devos D, Rascol O, Corvol JC, Durif F, Rieu I ; Btx-HT Study Group. Trial of Botulinum Toxin for Isolated or Essential Head Tremor. N Engl J Med. 2023 Nov 9 ;389(19):1753-1765.

Outeiro TF, Alcalay RN, Antonini A, Attems J, Bonifati V, Cardoso F, Chesselet MF, Hardy J, Madeo G, McKeith I, Mollenhauer B, Moore DJ, Rascol O, Schlossmacher MG, Soreq H, Stefanis L, Ferreira JJ. Defining the Riddle in Order to Solve It : There Is More Than One "Parkinson’s Disease". Mov Disord. 2023 Jul ;38(7):1127-1142.

Pinto Serge, Nebel Adelheid, Rau Jörn, Espesser Robert, Maillochon Pauline, Niebuhr Olivier, Krack Paul, Witjas Tatiana, Ghio Alain, Cuartero Marie-Charlotte, Timmermann Lars, Schnitzler Alfons, Hesekamp Helke, Meier Niklaus, Müllner Julia, Hälbig Thomas D, Möller Bettina, Paschen Steffen, Paschen Laura, Volkmann Jens, Michael T Barbe , Becker Johannes , Reker Paul , A Kühn Andrea, Schneider Gerd-Helge, Fraix Valérie , Seigneuret Eric , Kistner Andrea, Rascol Olivier, Brefel-Courbon Christine , Ory-Magne Fabienne, Hartmann Christian J, Wojtecki Lars , Fradet Anne, Maltête David, Damier Philippe, Le Dily Séverine, Sixel-Döring Friederike, Benecke Petra, Weiss Daniel, Wächter Tobias, Pinsker Marcus O, Régis Jean, Thobois Stéphane, Polo Gustavo, Houeto Jean-Luc, Hartmann Andreas, Knudsen Karina, Vidailhet Marie , Schüpbach Michael, Deuschl Günther ; EARLYSTIM Study Group. Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial of Speech After Early Neurostimulation in Parkinson’s Disease. Mov Disord. 2023 Feb ;38(2):212-222.

Pires Da Silva J, Wargny M, Raffin J, Croyal M, Duparc T, Combes G, Genoux A, Perret B, Vellas B, Guyonnet S, Thalamas C, Langin D, Moro C, Viguerie N, Rolland Y, Barreto PS, Cariou B, Martinez LO ; MAPT/DSA Group. Plasma level of ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) is associated with type 2 diabetes risk in humans : A prospective cohort study. Diabetes Metab. 2023 Jan ;49(1):101391.

Pouessel D, Ken S, Gouaze-Andersson V, Piram L, Mervoyer A, Larrieu-Ciron D, Cabarrou B, Lusque A, Robert M, Frenel JS, Uro-Coste E, Olivier P, Mounier M, Sabatini U, Sanchez EH, Zouitine M, Berjaoui A, Cohen-Jonathan Moyal E.
Hypofractionated Stereotactic Re-irradiation and 
Anti-PDL1 Durvalumab Combination in Recurrent Glioblastoma : STERIMGLI Phase I Results. Oncologist. 2023 Sep 7 ;28(9):825-e817.

Prioul A, Fournier D, Lefeuvre C, Duranton S, Olivier P, Blanc E, Peyro-Saint-Paul L, Ruault S, Jamet A, Mouchel C. Overview of literature monitoring practice of clinical trials vigilance units in French institutional sponsors - A study from the REVISE working group. Therapie. 2023 Nov-Dec ;78(6):659-666.

Proust-Lima C, Saulnier T, Philipps V, Traon AP, Péran P, Rascol O, Meissner WG, Foubert-Samier A. Describing complex disease progression using joint latent class models for multivariate longitudinal markers and clinical endpoints. Stat Med. 2023 Sep 30 ;42(22):3996-4014.

Ribes A, Garcia C, Gratacap MP, Kostenis E, Martinez LO, Payrastre B, Sénard JM, Galés C, Pons V. Platelet P2Y1 receptor exhibits constitutive G protein signaling and β-arrestin 2 recruitment. BMC Biol. 2023 Feb 1 ;21(1):14.

Saulnier T, Fabbri M, Pavy-Le Traon A, Le Goff M, Helmer C, Péran P, Meissner WG, Rascol O, Foubert-Samier A, Proust-Lima C. Disease Progression in Multiple System Atrophy : The Value of Clinical Cohorts with Long Follow-Up. Mov Disord. 2023 Aug ;38(8):1567-1569.

Stocchi F, Rascol O, Poewe W, Chaudhuri KR, Kassubek J, Lopez Manzanares L, Zhang Y, Bowling A, Pappert E, Wu S ; for the CTH-302 Study Investigators.
Apomorphine Sublingual Film Compared with Subcutaneous Apomorphine for OFF Episodes in Parkinson’s Disease : An Open-Label, Randomized, Crossover Study. J Parkinsons Dis. 2023 ;13(8):1329-1342.

Taillefer de Laportalière T, Jullien A, Eyvrard F, Yrondi A, Montastruc F, Cestac P, Dintilhac A, Juillard-Condat B. [Funding of psychiatry in France, the problem of expensive drugs. Example of Esketamine in the case of resistant depressive episodes]. Encephale. 2023 Nov 30:S0013-7006(23)00204-X.

Torres-Yaghi Y, Hattori N, Rascol O, Nakajima Y, King SM, Mori A, Pagan F.
Istradefylline effects on tremor dominance (TD) and postural instability and gait difficulty (PIGD). Clin Park Relat Disord. 2023 Oct 14 ;9:100224.


Aghnatios L, Karsenty C, Viard C, de Canecaude C, Durrieu G. Severe hepatitis after sevoflurane anesthesia in an 8-month old child with a Down syndrome : Case report and review of the literature. Therapie. 2023 Jul-Aug ;78(4):459-462.

Bagheri H. Patient’s reporting of adverse drug reactions : Which added value in 2023 ? Therapie. 2023 Oct 31:S0040-5957(23)00173-7.

Balon M, Tessier S, Damase-Michel C, Cottin J, Lambert A, Thompson MA, Benevent J, Lacroix I. Adverse drug reactions in pregnant women : Do they differ from those in non-pregnant women of childbearing age ? . Therapie. 2023 Mar-Apr ;78(2):165-173

Barus R, Montastruc F, de Canecaude C, Bagheri H, Sommet A, Lapeyre-Mestre M. Sublingual/Buccal buprenorphine and dental problems : a pharmacovigilance study. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2023 Jul-Dec ;22(12):1283-1287.

Barus R, Potey C, Gautier S, Wabont G. Ondansetron induced blindness : a pharmacovigilance database study. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2023 Oct 18:1-4.

Bordet C, Garcia P, Salvo F, Touafchia A, Galinier M, Sommet A, Montastruc F.
Antipsychotics and risk of QT prolongation : a pharmacovigilance study.
Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2023 Jan ;240(1):199-202.

Bourneau-Martin Delphine, Babin Marina, Grandvuillemin Aurélie, Mullet Charlotte, Salvo Francesco, Singier Allison, Cellier Morgane, Fresse Audrey, de Canecaude Claire, Pietri Tessa, Drablier Guillaume, Geniaux Hélène, Lagarce Laurence, Laroche Marie-Laure, Briet Marie, On behalf of the French Network of Regional Pharmacovigilance Centres. Adverse drug reaction related to drug shortage : A retrospective study on the French National Pharmacovigilance Database. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2023 Mar ;89(3):1080-1088.

de Canecaude C, Montastruc F, Bergeron S, Sanchez-Pena P, Grandvuillemin A ; French Network of Regional Pharmacovigilance Centers. French pharmacovigilance survey of casirivimab - imdevimab monoclonal antibodies in coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Therapie. 2023 Sep-Oct ;78(5):517-522.

Kaguelidou Florentia, Valtuille Zaba, Durrieu Geneviève, Delorme Richard, Peyre Hugo, Treluyer Jean Marc, Montastruc François, Chouchana Laurent. Weight gain during antipsychotic treatement in children Adolescents and adults : a disproportionality analysis in the global pharmacovigilance database vigibase.
Drug Saf. 2023 Jan ;46(1):77-85

Lacroix I. Adverse drug reactions on male fertility. Therapie. 2023.

Lifar P, Montastruc F, Reber LL, Magnaval JF, Guilleminault L. Parasitic Infections and Biological Therapies Targeting Type 2 Inflammation : A VigiBase Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 May 1 ;207(9):1253-1255.

Merino D, Gérard AO, Lavrut T, Askenazy F, Thümmler S, Montastruc F, Drici MD. Drug-related catatonia in youths : real-world insights from the WHO Safety Database. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2023 Jun 12.

Montastruc F, de Canecaude C. Tixagevimab-Cilgavimab Treatment and Cardiovascular Events : Immortal Time Bias. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Jun 8 ;76(11):2044-2045.

Montastruc F, Lafaurie M, Flumian C, de Canecaude C. Increased reporting of venous and arterial thromboembolic events reported with tixagevimab-cilgavimab for coronavirus disease 2019. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2023 Apr ;29(4):543.e1-543.e3.

Montastruc F, Storck W, de Canecaude C, Victor L, Li J, Cesbron C, Zelmat Y, Barus R. Will artificial intelligence chatbots replace clinical pharmacologists ? An exploratory study in clinical practice. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2023 Oct ;79(10):1375-1384.

Montastruc F, Taillefer de Laportaliere T. Drug-induced psychiatric disorders : A pharmacovigilance update. Therapie. 2023 Oct 31:S0040-5957(23)00170-1.

Montastruc JL, Montastruc F, Bura-Rivière A. Tramadol and the risk of bleeding complications in patients on oral anticoagulants : a pharmacovigilance study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2023 May ;79(5):701-702.

Montastruc JL, Tessier S, Bura-Riviere A. Differences in the location of bleeding with direct oral anticoagulants vs. vitamin K antagonists : A study in the World Health Organization’s pharmacovigilance database. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2023 Jul ;89(7):2201-2207.

Murarasu A, Bertoliatti-Fontana G, Massy N, Bagheri H, Treluyer JM, Regent A, Chouchana L. Immune thrombocytopenia following ChAdOx1 vaccine and positive rechallenge with BNT162b2 vaccine : A case report with pharmacovigilance analysis.
Therapie. 2023 May-Jun ;78(3):328-330.

Onken M, Lohse L, Coulm B, Beghin D, Richardson JL, Bermejo-Sánchez E, Aguilera C, Bosch M, Cassina M, Chouchana L, De Santis M, Duman MK, Gören MZ, Johnson D, Bera APJ, Kaplan YC, Kennedy D, Kwok S, Lacroix I, Lepelley M, Pistelli A, Schaefer C, Te Winkel B, Uysal N, Winterfeld U, Yakuwa N, Diav-Citrin O, Vial T, Dathe K. Effects of maternal modafinil treatment on fetal development and neonatal growth parameters - a multicenter case series of the European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS). Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2023 Dec 18.

Orts L, Flumian C, Montastruc F. Lamotrigine and risk of arrhythmias : A global pharmacovigilance analysis. J Neurol Sci. 2023 May 15 ;448:120644.

Salvo F, Pariente A, Valnet-Rabier MB, Drici MD, Cholle C, Mathieu C, Singier A, Bagheri H, Tebacher M, Micallef J, Gautier S ; French Network of Regional Pharmacovigilance Centers. Role of spontaneous reporting in investigating the relationship between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis : The French perspective. Therapie. 2023 Sep-Oct ;78(5):509-515.

Thai-Van H, Valnet-Rabier MB, Anciaux M, Lambert A, Maurier A, Cottin J, Pietri T, Destère A, Damin-Pernik M, Perrouin F, Bagheri H. Safety Signal Generation for Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Following Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccination : Postmarketing Surveillance Using the French Pharmacovigilance Spontaneous Reporting Database. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2023 Jul 14 ;9:e45263.

Vabre C, Johnson K, Montastruc F, Vezzosi D, Yu OH, Renoux C. Testosterone treatment and the risk of osteonecrosis : a pharmacovigilance analysis in Vigibase. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2023 Mar ;79(3):383-388.

Valnet-Rabier MB, Tebacher M, Gautier S, Micallef J, Salvo F, Pariente A, Bagheri H. Pharmacovigilance signals from active surveillance of mRNA platform vaccines (tozinameran and elasomeran). Therapie. 2023 Sep-Oct ;78(5):499-507.

Vanhaecke M, Boursier A, Barus R, Potey C, Diallo D, Radoubé F. [Occurrence of acute pancreatitis in a woman treated with dronabinol : A case report]. Therapie. 2023 Sep 24:S0040-5957(23)00121-X.

Virolle J, Redon M, Montastruc F, Taïb S, Revet A, Zivkovic V, Da Costa J, Very E.
What clinical analysis of antipsychotic-induced catatonia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome tells us about the links between these two syndromes : A systematic review.
Schizophr Res. 2023 Dec ;262:184-200.

Zacarin A, Gonzales C, Nigon D, Piau A, Bagheri H. Impact of medication reviews on drug-related problems (DRPs) in older patients living in nursing homes in West Occitania. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2023 Feb ;37(1):182-190.

Zelmat Y, Despas F. Drug-induced tumoral disease : A global pharmacovigilance database analysis. Therapie. 2023 Nov 18:S0040-5957(23)00185-3.


Aquizerate A, Laforgue EJ, Istvan M, Rousselet M, Gerardin M, Jouanjus E, Libert F, French Addictovigilance Network[Corporate Author], Guerlais M, Victorri-Vigneau C.
French national addictovigilance follow-up of zolpidem between 2014 and 2020 : evolution of drug abuse, misuse and dependence before and after the regulatory change. Eur J Public Health. 2023 Feb 7:ckad003.

Blayac L, Ponte C, Lavaud M, Micallef J, Lapeyre-Mestre M.  Increase of cannabis and cocaine use by pregnant women in France from 2005 to 2018 : Insights of the annual cross sectional OPPIDUM survey. Therapie. 2023 Mar-Apr ;78(2):201-211

Diaz L, Eiden C, Jouanjus E, Frauger E, Fouilhé N, Djezzar S, Gibaja V, Boucher A, Le Boisselier R, Libert F, Caous AS, Monzon E, Guerlais M, Daveluy A, Fauconneau B, Peyrière H. Alprazolam misuse : Analysis of French Addictovigilance Network data from 2011 to 2020. Therapie. 2023 Nov-Dec ;78(6):647-657.

Lapeyre-Mestre M.  Addictovigilance in women, the hidden part of the iceberg ?
Therapie. 2023 Mar-Apr ;78(2):157-164.

Robert Marion, Jouanjus Emilie, Khouri Charles, Fouilhé Sam-Laï Nathalie, Revol Bruno. The opioid epidemic A worldwide exploratory study using the WHO pharmacovigilance database. Addiction. 2023 Apr ;118(4):771-775

Soeiro T, Pradel V, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Micallef J.
Systematic assessment of non-medical use of prescription drugs using doctor-shopping indicators : A nation-wide, repeated cross-sectional study. Addiction. 2023 Oct ;118(10):1984-1993.

Tambon M, Montarnal B, Lepetit M, Lapeyre-Mestre M. 
Non-opioid antinociceptive drugs : risk of respiratory depression and death related to concomitant use of gabapentinoids in addition to opioids. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2023 Mar ;22(3):183-194.


Anand A, Phillips K, Subramanian A, Lee SI, Wang Z, McCowan R, Agrawal U, Fagbamigbe AF, Nelson-Piercy C, Brocklehurst P, Damase-Michel C, Loane M, Nirantharakumar K, Azcoaga-Lorenzo A ; MuM-PreDiCT Group. Prevalence of polypharmacy in pregnancy : a systematic review. BMJ Open. 2023 Mar 6 ;13(3):e067585.

Benevent J, Araujo M, Karki S, Delarue-Hurault C, Waser J, Lacroix I, Tebeka S, Damase-Michel C. Risk of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy in Women Treated With Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors : A Comparative Study Using the EFEMERIS Database. J Clin Psychiatry. 2023 Jul 10 ;84(4):22m14734

Boumaza X, Bonneau B, Roos-Weil D, Pinnetti C, Rauer S, Nitsch L, Arnaud Del Bello, Jelcic I, Sühs KW, Gasnault J, Goreci Y, Grauer O, Gnanapavan S, MD, 15 Rebecca Wicklein R, MD , 16 Nicolas Lambert N, Perpoint T, Beudel M, Clifford D, Sommet A, PhD,2 Irene Cortese I, Martin-Blondel G, for the Immunotherapy for PML Study Group. Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Treated by Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. Annals of Neurol. 2023 ; 93 :257-270

Boumaza X, Lafaurie M, Treiner E, Walter O, Pugnet G, Martin-Blondel G, Biotti D, Ciron J, Constantin A, Tauber M, Puisset F, Moulis G, Alric L, Renaudineau Y, Chauveau D, Sailler L. Infectious risk when prescribing rituximab in patients with hypogammaglobulinemia acquired in the setting of autoimmune diseases. Int Immunopharmacol. 2023 Jul ;120:110342.

Couret A, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Gombault-Datzenko E, Renoux A, Villars H, Gardette V. Healthcare use patterns before Alzheimer’s disease and related diseases identification and future healthcare trajectory. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2023 Jan ;38(1):e5849.

de Germay S, Conte C, Micallef J, Bouquet E, Chouchana L, Lafaurie M, Pariente A ; Pharmacoepidemiological group of the French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (SFPT). Performing pharmacoepidemiological studies using the French health insurance data warehouse (SNDS) : How to translate guidelines into practice. Therapie. 2023 Nov-Dec ;78(6):679-689.

Gosselin L, Vilcu AM, Souty C, Steichen O, Launay T, Conte C, Saint-Salvi B, Turbelin C, Sarazin M, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Rossignol L.
Prevalence and bleeding risk associated with the concomitant use of direct oral anticoagulants and antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with atrial fibrillation, based on the French healthcare insurance database. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2023 Jul ;79(7):937-945.

Joly M, Conte C, Cazanave C, Le Moing V, Tattevin P, Delobel P, Sommet A, Martin-Blondel G. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy : epidemiology and spectrum of predisposing conditions. Brain. 2023 Jan 5 ;146(1):349-358.

Larcin L, Karakaya G, Rygaert X, Van Wilder P, Lamy C, Demyttenaere B, Damase-Michel C, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou F. Trends and regional variations in prescriptions dispensed to stimulate uterine contractions at the end of pregnancy in Belgium : A community-based study from 2003 to 2018. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2023 Feb ;32(2):216-224.

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